Upgrades, Damascus, a new knife, and leather-work!

Well, because this is my hobby, I’ve gone and ploughed everything earned back into the business… the end result is a new grinder, band-saw, and a larger forge. Because of that, it’s given me a huge upgrade to the finished quality (also speed and reproducibility) of my work. I’m absolutely chuffed!

A view from the 84 Engineering 72” grinder towards the new forge that’s allowed me to finish my knives to a better standard. I’ve also spent some time learning to work with leather, so can now produce custom sheaths fitted to each knife. Finally, I’ve got on with it and attempted my first Damascus knife, forged from scratch. Have a look at the results below - I’m pretty pleased (especially with the improved knife-tips)!


The Pottery is Open!


Gifts for the family