Explorations - Walking and Thinking

Not all those who wander are lost…

-Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien)

I thought I might try to put together a little piece of writing on explorations as a sort of mental health project. I’m a lowland expedition leader, so I want to include local routes on foot, bike, or canoe I find inspiring, and meditations on nature and on life, and some overnight camping trips for moments under canvas or the stars. Where I can, I’ll stop and explain my processes, whether that be navigation, exploring off the beaten track, things I find along the way, or things I think or chat about. It may well start of fairly privately, so don’t expect to hear more about it for a while, but I’m writing this here to serve as a reminder to myself to record the journey. I’m sure the things I find helpful can be enjoyed by others. I can’t wait to get started! Happy wandering!


Old Art